Choose the district
Distance from center
Краеведческий музей
Museum of Local History
Since 1987, the museum’s historical department has been located in the building of the City Trade House, a federal historical and architectural monument built by the architect Andrey Kryachkov.
23 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Художественный музей
Art Museum
Novosibirsk State Art Museum represents one of the largest collections of Russian and foreign art in Siberia.
5 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Собор Александра Невского
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is one of the first stone buildings of Novonikolayevsk.
1а Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Часовня Николая Чудотворца
Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
On July 20, 1914, St. Nicholas Chapel was founded at the intersection of Nikolayevsky Avenue and Tobizenovskaya Street (now Krasny Avenue and Gorkogo Street, respectfully) in Novonikolayevsk.
17а Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Музей смерти
Museum of Death
Novosibirsk Museum of World Burial Culture is the only museum in Russia to study the origins and traditions of burial rites and the memorial history.
4/16 Voentorgovskaya Street, Voskhod Village, Novosibirsky District
Стоквартирный дом
100-Flat Building
A unique building in Novosibirsk officially recognized as an international architectural masterpiece.
16 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Музей железнодорожной техники
Railway Technology Museum
The Railway Technology Museum at Seyatel station is named after Nikolay Akulinin, who conceived of the open-air technology museum, which is the first such museum beyond the Urals.
54/1 Razyezdnaya Street, Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk Technopark (Academpark) ranks among the most successful technology parks in Russia.
11 Nikolaeva Street, Novosibirsk
Кафедральный собор
Cathedral of the Transfiguration
It is the main cathedral of the Diocese of the Transfiguration of the Roman Catholic Church.
100 Maksima Gorkogo Street, Novosibirsk
Biotechnology Park in Koltsovo
It’s a modern venue for developing biotech companies.
8 Technoparkovaya Street, Koltsovo Townsite, Novosibirsk Region
Эволюция Земли
Earth Evolution Museum
Earth Evolution Center is a place where you can see a volcanic eruption, the moving planets, luminous stones, northern lights, and even a piece of the real meteorite.
1 Pirogova Street, Novosibirsk
Дом с колесом
Mikhailovskaya Embankment
Mikhailovskaya Embankment Park of Culture and Recreation is a historically significant place for Novosibirsk and one of the main venues for city events.
12Б Bolshevistskaya Street, Novosibirsk
Городское начало
City Beginnings Park
City Beginnings Park located between the Railway Bridge and the Communal Bridge attracts both locals and the city visitors.
Ob River Embankment
Вознесенский кафедральный собор
Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension of Christ
It’s the main cathedral of Novosibirsk Diocese.
91 Sovetskaya Street, Novosibirsk
Museum of the Sun
Museum of the Sun is a place where you can enjoy a full immersion in the world of ancient civilizations and peoples revering the Sun.
179/3 Dusi Kovalchuk Street, Novosibirsk
Музей Рериха
Nicholas Roerich Museum
The museum is dedicated to Nicholas Roerich, the world famous artist, writer, scholar, traveler, and cultural figure.
38 Kommunisticheskaya Street, Novosibirsk
Сузун-завод. Монетный двор
Suzun Factory. Mint
Suzun Factory. Mint Museum and Tourist Complex is a department of the Novosibirsk State Museum of Local History in the old village of Suzun.
22Б Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Жилой дом купчихи Смирновой
House of Merchant Smirnova
A wooden house of merchant Smirnova built in the late 19th–early 20th century is a cultural and historical heritage site of regional significance.
57Б Sovetskaya Street, Bitki Village, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Лавка купчихи Смирновой
Shop of Merchant Smirnova
Shop of merchant Smirnova is a rare example of public commercial building in the Siberian village of the early 20th century in the eclectic style.
46 Lenina Street, Bitki Village, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Памятник Сибирской монете
Monument to the Siberian Coin
Ten kopecks over one meter in diameter are found in beautiful Monetnaya square in the village of Suzun.
Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Abrashino Quarry
Once they mined marble here, and today it is a lake with crystal clear water surrounded by a pine forest.
Abrashino Village, Novosibirsk Region
Bugrinsky Bridge
It’s a highway bridge with the largest arch span in the CIS.
Ob River, Novosibirsk
Березовские скалы
Beryozovo Rocks
It’s a place of mountain climbing championships, or “the pocket-size Altai.”
Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Караканский бор
Karakan Pine Forest
A huge forest area, it’s the habitat of red-listed animals and plants and one of the most beautiful places in Siberia.
Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Belovo Waterfall
This small beautiful waterfall is a perfect place for bathing thanks to its comfortable water temperature.
Iskitimsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Бердские скалы - памятник природы областного значения. Вид со скалы Зверобой на реку Бердь и холмистую долину. Сибирь, Новосибирская область, Россия
Berd Rocks
It’s one of the most beautiful viewing sites in Siberia, which you can reach by the Zveroboy eco-trail.
Iskitimsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Медведский водопад
Medvedskoye (Steklyanny) Waterfall
It’s an artificial waterfall and a popular photo location.
Cherepanovsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Buchilo Waterfall
This waterfall is unique because the water does not freeze even in Siberian winter.
Starososedovo Village, Iskitimsky District
Карпысакский водопад
Karpysak Waterfall
This artificial waterfall is a wonderful place for a family vacation.
Toguchinsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Суенгинский водопад
Suenga Waterfall
It’s a small beautiful artificial waterfall on the gold-bearing river.
Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музей природы
Nature Museum
In the Nature Museum you will find a full skeleton of a female mammoth Matilda.
11 Vokzalnaya Magistral Street, Novosibirsk
Nikonovo (Talitsa) Waterfall
It’s a large waterfall with a powerful water flow, which is especially beautiful in autumn and spring.
Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Ложок. Святой источник
Lozhok. Holy Spring
It’s a place filled with an unbelievable atmosphere of memory, honor, loyalty and faith.
Lozhok Microdistrict, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
музей новосибирска
Museum of Novosibirsk
Museum of Novosibirsk comprises 8 district branches, Museum on the Embankment, Museum in the house of G. Budagov and the Museum of the Documentary Cinema House.
27 Chaplygina Street, Novosibirsk
Храм в честь новомучеников
New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church
The church is located at the Holy Spring, the most famous pilgrimage place in Novosibirsk Region.
Tsentralnaya Street, Lozhok Microdistrict, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
It’s a small waterfall of natural origin with a stone bowl.
Toguchinsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Галерея времени
Time Gallery
Time Gallery is not just a museum, it’s a unique venue with two exciting expositions to dive into the history of the 20th century.
1/6 Pervoye Mochishchenskoye Highway, Novosibirsk
Церковно-исторический музей
Church and History Museum
The museum is located near the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church. It houses personal belongings of SibLAG prisoners and the cell for those who committed serious offenses.
Tsentralnaya Street, Lozhok Microdistrict, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
Сибирская мемориальная картинная галерея
Siberian Memorial Art Gallery
Siberian Memorial Art Gallery has five exhibition halls in the famous 100-Flat Building.
16 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Музей СССР
Museum of the USSR
Museum of the USSR lets you dive into the lives of people of the past century.
1/6 Pervoye Mochishchenskoye Highway, Novosibirsk
Повседневности Академгородка
Everyday Things of Academgorodok
The Integral Apartment-Turned-Museum of Living History of Academgorodok is dedicated to German Beznosov, one of the founders of Pod Integralom, a legendary club.
4 Pravdy Street, Novosibirsk
Bayushki, the museum of fairy tales and legends, is a portal between two worlds — the real one and the magical one.
13 1905 Goda Street, Novosibirsk
Ретро 54
Retro 54
Retro 54 is a salon of legendary Soviet cars.
53 Inskaya Street, Novosibirsk
The Krasny ART Centre is an iconic space in Novosibirsk designed to teach art appreciation.
169/2 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Храм во имя Святого князя Александра Невского
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral traces its history back to 1887. It is an architectural monument.
22 Kalinina Street, Kolyvan Townsite, Kolyvansky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музей под открытым небом
Open-Air Museum
Church of Not-Made-by-Hand Icon of Our Saviour from the Zashiver Ostrog (Yakutia) is the central architectural monument of the open-air museum.
6, Building 2, Ionosfernaya Street, Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk-Glavny Railway Station
Novosibirsk-Glavny Railway Station is a major passenger railway station in Novosibirsk Region.
43 Dmitriya Shamshurina Street, Novosibirsk
Buddhist Datsan
Here you can learn about the life and culture of nomadic peoples, visit a specialist in Tibetan medicine and try posy, the Buryat national dish.
1/1a Zelyonaya Gorka Street, Novosibirsk
Россия - моя история
Russia — My History
It’s a modern multimedia exposition on the history of Russia.
24 Vasiliya Staroshchuka Street, Novosibirsk
Выставочный зал дома ученых
Exhibition Hall of the SB RAS Scientists’ House
Over the years it housed the exhibitions which made the gallery famous all over the country: by Pavel Filonov, by Robert Falk, by Mikhail Shemyakin.
23 Morskoy Avenue, Novosibirsk
Выставочный центр СО РАН
SB RAS Exhibition Center
It is a venue that showcases Siberian scientific advancements.
11 Zolotodolinskaya Street, Novosibirsk
вау музей
WOW! Museum
WOW! Museum is a place for a family vacation, where you can have fun and learn something new.
Hangar 6, 1/1 Pervoye Mochishchenskoye Highway, Novosibirsk
Парк Кольцово
Koltsovo Park
An all-year-round complex on the shore of a picturesque lake.
1 Akademika Sandakhchiyeva Avenue, Koltsovo Townsite, Novosibirsk Region
Бердский историко-художественный
Berdsk History and Art Museum
The museum has a permanent exhibition — Turning the Pages of the Book of Memory. It is dedicated to the life of Berdsk and its citizens during the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear.
9 Sportivnaya Street, Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region
Искитимский историко-художественный музей
Iskitimsky History and Art Museum
Iskitimsky History and Art Museum houses a unique collection of Siberian icons.
28 Koroteyeva Street, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
Ордынский историко-художественный музей
Ordynsky History and Art Museum
The museum revives and preserves the local traditions.
15 Revolutsii Avenue, Ordynsky Townsite, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музейный комплекс Куйбышева
Kuybyshev Museum Complex
The museum is housed in a merchant’s mansion built in 1911. The exhibition tells about the history of the city of Kuybyshev, the former town of Kainsk.
29 Kommunisticheskaya Street, Kuybyshev, Kuybyshevsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Центр исторической информации
Center of Historical Information
The museum staff can help you preserve the memory of the family tree in the genealogical laboratory.
2 Ostrovskogo Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музей сибирской народной иконы
Museum of Siberian Folk Icons
It’s the only Russian museum of folk icons.
7 Kalinina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Монетный двор
It’s an iconic landmark that Suzun is known for. In the museum, you can learn the entire mechanism of coin production and even try to make your own.
22Б Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Медеплавильный завод
Copper-Smelting Plant
A permanent museum exhibition about the history of the plant’s workshop.
22В Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
The museum exhibition shows items related to the smelting and coinage process — It is located in the reconstructed building of the mid-19th century.
22Б Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Дом и контора
Manager’s house and office
House and office of the Copper-Smelting Plant Manager is a historical monument built in the second half of the 19th century.
15 Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Gold Miner’s Cabin
This estate is an exact historical replica of the cabin where our ancestors used to live.
2 Pochtovy Alley, Yegoryevskoye Village, Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Усадьба чатского татарина
Chat Tatar Mansion
It is located in the village of Yurt-Ora in Kolyvansky District, on the site of traditional residence of the Siberian Tatars from the 18th century.
50 Tsentralnaya Street, Yurt-Ora Village, Kolyvansky District, Novosibirsk Region
Колыванский краеведческий музей
Kolyvan Museum of Local History
It’s one of the oldest museums in Novosibirsk Region.
66 Karla Marksa Street, Kolyvan Townsite, Kolyvansky District, Novosibirsk Region
Заволокинская деревня
Zavolokinskaya village
Zavolokinskaya village is the village that hosts the famous Igrai Garmon (Play, Accordion) festival.
Novy Sharap Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Краснозерский музей
Vasily Korobeynikov Museum in Krasnozyorskoye
It’s the place that preserves the history and traditions of Novosibirsk Region.
35 Oktyabrskaya Street, Krasnozyorskoye Townsite, Krasnozyorsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Петропавловский музей
Petropavlovka Museum of Local History
It’s a huge museum complex on the area of 0.7 hectares, part of which is located in the open air.
2 Poltavskaya Street, Petropavlovka Village, Krasnozyorsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Wayside Cross
Wayside Cross was built to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the famous battle between the army of Kuchum Khan and the Cossacks on August 20, 1598.
Novopichugovo Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Часовна Ген Афонского
Chapel of St. Gennady of Athos
The chapel was built near the highway at the place of death of Gennady Zavolokin, the famous Russian folk accordionist.
25, Building 1, Sovetskaya Street, Novy Sharap Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Церковь чингис
Church of Saints Peter and Paul
The church is located on an island, which is connected with the shore by the rock-fill dam. Its walls are painted with local colored clay.
6а Proletarskaya Street, Chingis Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Church of Elijah the Holy Prophet
It’s a large cathedral complex in the center of Kargat with a lower and upper hall, household premises, a Sunday school and a refectory.
122А Sovetskaya Street, Kargat Village, Kargatsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Краеведческий музей
Museum of Local History
Since 1987, the museum’s historical department has been located in the building of the City Trade House, a federal historical and architectural monument built by the architect Andrey Kryachkov.
23 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Художественный музей
Art Museum
Novosibirsk State Art Museum represents one of the largest collections of Russian and foreign art in Siberia.
5 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Собор Александра Невского
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is one of the first stone buildings of Novonikolayevsk.
1а Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Часовня Николая Чудотворца
Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
On July 20, 1914, St. Nicholas Chapel was founded at the intersection of Nikolayevsky Avenue and Tobizenovskaya Street (now Krasny Avenue and Gorkogo Street, respectfully) in Novonikolayevsk.
17а Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Музей смерти
Museum of Death
Novosibirsk Museum of World Burial Culture is the only museum in Russia to study the origins and traditions of burial rites and the memorial history.
4/16 Voentorgovskaya Street, Voskhod Village, Novosibirsky District
Стоквартирный дом
100-Flat Building
A unique building in Novosibirsk officially recognized as an international architectural masterpiece.
16 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Музей железнодорожной техники
Railway Technology Museum
The Railway Technology Museum at Seyatel station is named after Nikolay Akulinin, who conceived of the open-air technology museum, which is the first such museum beyond the Urals.
54/1 Razyezdnaya Street, Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk Technopark (Academpark) ranks among the most successful technology parks in Russia.
11 Nikolaeva Street, Novosibirsk
Кафедральный собор
Cathedral of the Transfiguration
It is the main cathedral of the Diocese of the Transfiguration of the Roman Catholic Church.
100 Maksima Gorkogo Street, Novosibirsk
Biotechnology Park in Koltsovo
It’s a modern venue for developing biotech companies.
8 Technoparkovaya Street, Koltsovo Townsite, Novosibirsk Region
Эволюция Земли
Earth Evolution Museum
Earth Evolution Center is a place where you can see a volcanic eruption, the moving planets, luminous stones, northern lights, and even a piece of the real meteorite.
1 Pirogova Street, Novosibirsk
Дом с колесом
Mikhailovskaya Embankment
Mikhailovskaya Embankment Park of Culture and Recreation is a historically significant place for Novosibirsk and one of the main venues for city events.
12Б Bolshevistskaya Street, Novosibirsk
Городское начало
City Beginnings Park
City Beginnings Park located between the Railway Bridge and the Communal Bridge attracts both locals and the city visitors.
Ob River Embankment
Вознесенский кафедральный собор
Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension of Christ
It’s the main cathedral of Novosibirsk Diocese.
91 Sovetskaya Street, Novosibirsk
Museum of the Sun
Museum of the Sun is a place where you can enjoy a full immersion in the world of ancient civilizations and peoples revering the Sun.
179/3 Dusi Kovalchuk Street, Novosibirsk
Музей Рериха
Nicholas Roerich Museum
The museum is dedicated to Nicholas Roerich, the world famous artist, writer, scholar, traveler, and cultural figure.
38 Kommunisticheskaya Street, Novosibirsk
Сузун-завод. Монетный двор
Suzun Factory. Mint
Suzun Factory. Mint Museum and Tourist Complex is a department of the Novosibirsk State Museum of Local History in the old village of Suzun.
22Б Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Жилой дом купчихи Смирновой
House of Merchant Smirnova
A wooden house of merchant Smirnova built in the late 19th–early 20th century is a cultural and historical heritage site of regional significance.
57Б Sovetskaya Street, Bitki Village, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Лавка купчихи Смирновой
Shop of Merchant Smirnova
Shop of merchant Smirnova is a rare example of public commercial building in the Siberian village of the early 20th century in the eclectic style.
46 Lenina Street, Bitki Village, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Памятник Сибирской монете
Monument to the Siberian Coin
Ten kopecks over one meter in diameter are found in beautiful Monetnaya square in the village of Suzun.
Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Abrashino Quarry
Once they mined marble here, and today it is a lake with crystal clear water surrounded by a pine forest.
Abrashino Village, Novosibirsk Region
Bugrinsky Bridge
It’s a highway bridge with the largest arch span in the CIS.
Ob River, Novosibirsk
Березовские скалы
Beryozovo Rocks
It’s a place of mountain climbing championships, or “the pocket-size Altai.”
Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Караканский бор
Karakan Pine Forest
A huge forest area, it’s the habitat of red-listed animals and plants and one of the most beautiful places in Siberia.
Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Belovo Waterfall
This small beautiful waterfall is a perfect place for bathing thanks to its comfortable water temperature.
Iskitimsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Бердские скалы - памятник природы областного значения. Вид со скалы Зверобой на реку Бердь и холмистую долину. Сибирь, Новосибирская область, Россия
Berd Rocks
It’s one of the most beautiful viewing sites in Siberia, which you can reach by the Zveroboy eco-trail.
Iskitimsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Медведский водопад
Medvedskoye (Steklyanny) Waterfall
It’s an artificial waterfall and a popular photo location.
Cherepanovsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Buchilo Waterfall
This waterfall is unique because the water does not freeze even in Siberian winter.
Starososedovo Village, Iskitimsky District
Карпысакский водопад
Karpysak Waterfall
This artificial waterfall is a wonderful place for a family vacation.
Toguchinsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Суенгинский водопад
Suenga Waterfall
It’s a small beautiful artificial waterfall on the gold-bearing river.
Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музей природы
Nature Museum
In the Nature Museum you will find a full skeleton of a female mammoth Matilda.
11 Vokzalnaya Magistral Street, Novosibirsk
Nikonovo (Talitsa) Waterfall
It’s a large waterfall with a powerful water flow, which is especially beautiful in autumn and spring.
Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Ложок. Святой источник
Lozhok. Holy Spring
It’s a place filled with an unbelievable atmosphere of memory, honor, loyalty and faith.
Lozhok Microdistrict, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
музей новосибирска
Museum of Novosibirsk
Museum of Novosibirsk comprises 8 district branches, Museum on the Embankment, Museum in the house of G. Budagov and the Museum of the Documentary Cinema House.
27 Chaplygina Street, Novosibirsk
Храм в честь новомучеников
New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church
The church is located at the Holy Spring, the most famous pilgrimage place in Novosibirsk Region.
Tsentralnaya Street, Lozhok Microdistrict, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
It’s a small waterfall of natural origin with a stone bowl.
Toguchinsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Галерея времени
Time Gallery
Time Gallery is not just a museum, it’s a unique venue with two exciting expositions to dive into the history of the 20th century.
1/6 Pervoye Mochishchenskoye Highway, Novosibirsk
Церковно-исторический музей
Church and History Museum
The museum is located near the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church. It houses personal belongings of SibLAG prisoners and the cell for those who committed serious offenses.
Tsentralnaya Street, Lozhok Microdistrict, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
Сибирская мемориальная картинная галерея
Siberian Memorial Art Gallery
Siberian Memorial Art Gallery has five exhibition halls in the famous 100-Flat Building.
16 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Музей СССР
Museum of the USSR
Museum of the USSR lets you dive into the lives of people of the past century.
1/6 Pervoye Mochishchenskoye Highway, Novosibirsk
Повседневности Академгородка
Everyday Things of Academgorodok
The Integral Apartment-Turned-Museum of Living History of Academgorodok is dedicated to German Beznosov, one of the founders of Pod Integralom, a legendary club.
4 Pravdy Street, Novosibirsk
Bayushki, the museum of fairy tales and legends, is a portal between two worlds — the real one and the magical one.
13 1905 Goda Street, Novosibirsk
Ретро 54
Retro 54
Retro 54 is a salon of legendary Soviet cars.
53 Inskaya Street, Novosibirsk
The Krasny ART Centre is an iconic space in Novosibirsk designed to teach art appreciation.
169/2 Krasny Avenue, Novosibirsk
Храм во имя Святого князя Александра Невского
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral traces its history back to 1887. It is an architectural monument.
22 Kalinina Street, Kolyvan Townsite, Kolyvansky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музей под открытым небом
Open-Air Museum
Church of Not-Made-by-Hand Icon of Our Saviour from the Zashiver Ostrog (Yakutia) is the central architectural monument of the open-air museum.
6, Building 2, Ionosfernaya Street, Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk-Glavny Railway Station
Novosibirsk-Glavny Railway Station is a major passenger railway station in Novosibirsk Region.
43 Dmitriya Shamshurina Street, Novosibirsk
Buddhist Datsan
Here you can learn about the life and culture of nomadic peoples, visit a specialist in Tibetan medicine and try posy, the Buryat national dish.
1/1a Zelyonaya Gorka Street, Novosibirsk
Россия - моя история
Russia — My History
It’s a modern multimedia exposition on the history of Russia.
24 Vasiliya Staroshchuka Street, Novosibirsk
Выставочный зал дома ученых
Exhibition Hall of the SB RAS Scientists’ House
Over the years it housed the exhibitions which made the gallery famous all over the country: by Pavel Filonov, by Robert Falk, by Mikhail Shemyakin.
23 Morskoy Avenue, Novosibirsk
Выставочный центр СО РАН
SB RAS Exhibition Center
It is a venue that showcases Siberian scientific advancements.
11 Zolotodolinskaya Street, Novosibirsk
вау музей
WOW! Museum
WOW! Museum is a place for a family vacation, where you can have fun and learn something new.
Hangar 6, 1/1 Pervoye Mochishchenskoye Highway, Novosibirsk
Парк Кольцово
Koltsovo Park
An all-year-round complex on the shore of a picturesque lake.
1 Akademika Sandakhchiyeva Avenue, Koltsovo Townsite, Novosibirsk Region
Бердский историко-художественный
Berdsk History and Art Museum
The museum has a permanent exhibition — Turning the Pages of the Book of Memory. It is dedicated to the life of Berdsk and its citizens during the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear.
9 Sportivnaya Street, Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region
Искитимский историко-художественный музей
Iskitimsky History and Art Museum
Iskitimsky History and Art Museum houses a unique collection of Siberian icons.
28 Koroteyeva Street, Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region
Ордынский историко-художественный музей
Ordynsky History and Art Museum
The museum revives and preserves the local traditions.
15 Revolutsii Avenue, Ordynsky Townsite, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музейный комплекс Куйбышева
Kuybyshev Museum Complex
The museum is housed in a merchant’s mansion built in 1911. The exhibition tells about the history of the city of Kuybyshev, the former town of Kainsk.
29 Kommunisticheskaya Street, Kuybyshev, Kuybyshevsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Центр исторической информации
Center of Historical Information
The museum staff can help you preserve the memory of the family tree in the genealogical laboratory.
2 Ostrovskogo Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Музей сибирской народной иконы
Museum of Siberian Folk Icons
It’s the only Russian museum of folk icons.
7 Kalinina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Монетный двор
It’s an iconic landmark that Suzun is known for. In the museum, you can learn the entire mechanism of coin production and even try to make your own.
22Б Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Медеплавильный завод
Copper-Smelting Plant
A permanent museum exhibition about the history of the plant’s workshop.
22В Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
The museum exhibition shows items related to the smelting and coinage process — It is located in the reconstructed building of the mid-19th century.
22Б Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Дом и контора
Manager’s house and office
House and office of the Copper-Smelting Plant Manager is a historical monument built in the second half of the 19th century.
15 Lenina Street, Suzun Townsite, Suzunsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Gold Miner’s Cabin
This estate is an exact historical replica of the cabin where our ancestors used to live.
2 Pochtovy Alley, Yegoryevskoye Village, Maslyaninsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Усадьба чатского татарина
Chat Tatar Mansion
It is located in the village of Yurt-Ora in Kolyvansky District, on the site of traditional residence of the Siberian Tatars from the 18th century.
50 Tsentralnaya Street, Yurt-Ora Village, Kolyvansky District, Novosibirsk Region
Колыванский краеведческий музей
Kolyvan Museum of Local History
It’s one of the oldest museums in Novosibirsk Region.
66 Karla Marksa Street, Kolyvan Townsite, Kolyvansky District, Novosibirsk Region
Заволокинская деревня
Zavolokinskaya village
Zavolokinskaya village is the village that hosts the famous Igrai Garmon (Play, Accordion) festival.
Novy Sharap Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Краснозерский музей
Vasily Korobeynikov Museum in Krasnozyorskoye
It’s the place that preserves the history and traditions of Novosibirsk Region.
35 Oktyabrskaya Street, Krasnozyorskoye Townsite, Krasnozyorsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Петропавловский музей
Petropavlovka Museum of Local History
It’s a huge museum complex on the area of 0.7 hectares, part of which is located in the open air.
2 Poltavskaya Street, Petropavlovka Village, Krasnozyorsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Wayside Cross
Wayside Cross was built to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the famous battle between the army of Kuchum Khan and the Cossacks on August 20, 1598.
Novopichugovo Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Часовна Ген Афонского
Chapel of St. Gennady of Athos
The chapel was built near the highway at the place of death of Gennady Zavolokin, the famous Russian folk accordionist.
25, Building 1, Sovetskaya Street, Novy Sharap Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Церковь чингис
Church of Saints Peter and Paul
The church is located on an island, which is connected with the shore by the rock-fill dam. Its walls are painted with local colored clay.
6а Proletarskaya Street, Chingis Village, Ordynsky District, Novosibirsk Region
Church of Elijah the Holy Prophet
It’s a large cathedral complex in the center of Kargat with a lower and upper hall, household premises, a Sunday school and a refectory.
122А Sovetskaya Street, Kargat Village, Kargatsky District, Novosibirsk Region

What to see in Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is one of the youngest cities in Russia. Despite its young age, the city has become a popular tourist destination. Places of interest in Novosibirsk include not only historical sights, but also unique contemporary sites like nothing you’ve ever seen.


Museums is the most obvious answer to the question “What should I visit in Novosibirsk?”. There are plenty of them. Some of them are quite unusual — the Museum of the Earth Evolution, the Museum of the Burial Culture, the Museum of the Sun, Nicholas Roerich Museum — while others are more traditional but no less exciting, for example, the Museum of Local History and Art.

Scientific Facilities

Novosibirsk is a city of science and advanced technologies. If you want to see how the science works with your own eyes, come to the Technopark in Academgorodok or the Biotechnopark in Koltsovo Science Town, which is based in a glass building of unique shape.

Historical Sights

Orthodox churches, Buddhist datsan and old merchant houses… If you are into history, you won’t get bored in Novosibirsk. Russia — My History Museum with its unique interactive exhibition is a must-see.

Where to go in Novosibirsk

The young, modern city of Novosibirsk is a perfect place for a stroll. Just walk the main street of Krasny Avenue, go on a promenade on Mikhailovskaya Embankment or in the City Beginnings Park, and you’ll connect with the spirit of the city and feel its rhythm. We recommend starting your discovery of Novosibirsk Region with its natural landscapes: you can admire the numerous waterfalls, get a breath of fresh air in the Karakansky pine forest, or climb the natural sky deck — the Berd Rocks. It’s just a small portion of what is worth seeing in Novosibirsk Region!