Мероприятия в Новосибирске - календарь актуальных событий города

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Книжная Сибирь
Biblio Siberia
September 30, 2022
October 2, 2022
4 days
The International Biblio Siberia Festival will be held for the seventh time at the SPSTL SB RAS.
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Event Calendar

A big city is not just the sum of its people, streets, buildings; it also offers multiple events that can be interesting for both tourists and locals. Use our event calendar to never miss interesting activities. It is designed for those who prefer to lead exciting, action-packed life.

What to Visit in Novosibirsk

The Calendar shows:
  • folklore, music, craft festivals that take place in the city and region throughout the year,
  • concerts and theatrical performances at various venues,
  • large-scale festivals in the city halls and in the open air,
  • spectacular sporting events.
Use our calendar to plan your trip to Novosibirsk and to make it action-packed and versatile!